“Consciously working on addressing the needs of rural consumers by offering them the most relevant packs,” said Coca-Cola India Post-Covid,…
Mom-and-Pop Store Day: Why kiranas will survive the corporate blitz
Mom-and-pop stores, the small neighborhood family-run businesses (or the kirana stores, as we call them in India) put the community…
PhonePe digitizes 25 million kiranas across India
PhonePe has announced that it has digitized 25 million small merchants and kirana stores in India. It added that…
Kirana stores in Assam offer banking services to 40,000 customers in flood-affected villages
MUMBAI: In a relief effort, the residents of flood-affected Assam have now received help from Business Correspondents (BCs) of PayNearby.…
udaanCapital ties up with Northern Arc Capital for financing 50,000 kiranas
udaanCapital currently helps disburse over Rs 8,000 crore credit a year to 150,000 kiranas and small businesses. The credit is…
Govt may offer low-cost credit to small retailers, ease rules: Officials-
Neither of the officials provided details on how banks would be compensated for providing cheap loans. The Indian government may…
अंबानी हो या अडानी तोड़ नहीं पा रहे देश में किराना वालों की ताकत, ये है वजह
बीते 20 सालों में किराना स्टोर अपनी जमीन पर खड़े हैं और रिटेल ट्रेड में इनकी हिस्सेदारी करीब 88 फीसदी…
प्रोजेक्ट किराना के लिए Mastercard और USAID ने मिलाया हाथ, महिला दुकानदारों को मिलेगा फायदा
वैश्विक स्तर पर मास्टरकार्ड ने छोटे और लघु व्यवसायों को कोविड-19 से पूर्व के स्तर पर पहुंचाने के लिए 25…
ब्याज मुफ्त लोन? Flipkart Wholesale किराना और रिटेल विक्रेताओं के लिए लाया खास क्रेडिट प्रोग्राम –
Flipkart Wholesale की एक नई ऋण योजना के तहत 14 दिन तक की ब्याज मुक्त अवधि के तहत 5,000 रुपये…
Govt looks to tap section of Kirana stores to expand GST base
The Indian federal government is planning to widen its goods and services tax (GST) by tapping a section of mom-and-pop…